Ahmarra is FSC® certified

As a leading timber fire door manufacturer, Ahmarra is FSC® certified (FSC C018847), which means all of our doors and frames support responsible forestry.
To ensure this, we have implemented our own independent tracking systems, which have been audited to meet the requirements of the FSC® scheme. This process also safeguards trees that are on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) list.

Ahmarra have achieved ISO 14001 environmental certification

We are BS EN ISO 14001 certified. This means we have a strictly monitored environmental management process, which involves minimising waste and using comprehensive recycling techniques. We also try to keep noise pollution to a minimum, particularly outside of business hours.

Ahmarra are ISO 14064 carbon footprint verified

Ahmarra are BS EN ISO 14064 Carbon Footprint Verified. This means that we quantify, monitor and report our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions using this globally recognised standard. The report findings are used to proactively develop processes that support effective CO2 reduction.

Ahmarra re-use timber waste to fuel our factory’s bio-mass boiler

As part of our environmental management process, we use all waste wood to fuel our boiler, which heats our factory and provides process heat.

Ahmarra have 800 solar panels installed on the roof

Since having 800 solar panels installed on the roof of our purpose-built premises, we’re proud to say that up to 65% of our energy is generated by the sun, enabling us to prevent over 1 kiloton of CO2 emissions entering the atmosphere so far – the equivalent of planting over 550 trees! We also have an ‘A’ Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) efficiency rating. The assessment was carried out by a qualified Energy Assessor and takes into account the building’s fabric, as well as its heating, ventilation, cooling and lighting systems.

Ahmarra recycle waste

Integrated into our daily working practice, every effort is made to dispose of waste correctly, which is why we recycle as much of it as possible.

Ahmarra encourage biodiversity

Since moving to our purpose-built premises, our Managing Director Tim Doran has been keen to encourage as much biodiversity to Ahmarra’s grounds as possible.
As such, a wide variety of wild flowers & grasses have been planted, goldfinches, greenfinches & house sparrows feast at the bird feeders, butterflies feed on the buddleia and moor hens & ducks paddle in the stream.
Staff even took part in a sunflower planting scheme. Each member of the team planted their own sunflower seeds in biodegradable pots and grew them in our offices until the seedlings were large enough to be planted along the perimeter fence. The hope is that they will re-seed and grow back every summer.
In warmer months, it’s lovely to be able to spend a lunchbreak observing the wildlife that surrounds us.

Ahmarra support a local woodland regeneration scheme

Ahmarra make regular donations to the Stansted Park Foundation, a local charity that regenerate areas of Hampshire woodland that fall within the South Downs National Park. Re-planting trees helps to create wildlife habitats that have been lost to Ash Dieback Disease, as well as offset carbon emissions.

Ahmarra Manufactures & Installs Fire-rated Doorsets for Fire & Rescue Service Training Centre

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Ahmarra Manufactures & Installs Fire-rated Doorsets for Fire & Rescue Service Training Centre

Ahmarra recently manufactured and installed over 250 fire-rated doorsets, glazed screens and internal windows combined for a Fire & Rescue Service Training Centre in Dorset, on behalf of main contractor CLC Group. The FD30s and FD60s pre-hung doorsets were manufactured and installed under the Q-Mark Fire Door schemes.