We are aware that recent statements made by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) to Building Control outlining testing requirements for fire doors has resulted in an element of confusion and we would like to offer reassurance to our customers of the current situation regarding timber fire doors:
MHCLG have this week issued a new communication, clarifying that the original ‘advice applies to composite doors only’. There is no requirement to fire test on both sides of the door for timber doors as timber is currently tested on the most onerous side.
Ahmarra only manufacture timber fire doors, all our doors are certificated under and in accordance with BS 476: Part 22, and are third party accredited under the BM TRADA Q-Mark scheme which includes regular fire testing and an annual factory audit.
In order to offer the widest possible choice to clients, Ahmarra will continue to support the use of Global Assessments under a strictly monitored third party scheme such as Q-Mark, as is standard practice in the fire door industry.
We also continue to invest in our own Primary Testing to build our own library of tested products and further demonstrate that our products meet and often exceeds the fire tests requirements for 30 and 60 minutes.
Copies of the relevant communications can be viewed below.
MHCLG Advice Note 17: